Farm Visit




    If this is your first contact with a horse, we want to make it the most positive and unique experience for you.

    You will learn about horses, their personalities, and how to get along with them. Then, you will get to spend close time with one horse – brushing, making a connection, saddling, and riding in the arena.

    Program Details:

    The whole program is led by an instructor who decides on the steps to be followed and tailors it to your comfort level.

    The program is divided into three 15-minute parts: 1. tour, orientation, and introduction to the horse, 2. equipment placement and ground contact, and 3. riding the horse in the arena.

    Tour, orientation & introduction to a horse: You will have an explanation about the stable and its main activities, about the horses, their personalities, and their special stories. We will introduce you to a particular horse and guide you in establishing a relationship with it through petting, brushing, and talking to it. This will help you feel comfortable and calm around the horse, too.
    Preparing the horse for riding: Part of the experience will be brushing the horse, getting to know the equipment, placing the equipment on the horse, leading the horse in the arena, communicating with the horse on the ground, and guiding the horse through gestures.
    Riding in the arena: Lastly, you will learn and practice how to get on and off the horse without assistance. You will then get to ride the horse for a few minutes around the arena, led by the instructor.
    You may take your own photos throughout this experience.

    Additional information

    To book this experience

    You must call ahead and reserve your spot at least 1 day in advance in order to ensure we are ready for you. We’re not able to accept unscheduled or last-minute guests.

    Clothing and Equipment Requirements:

    the following clothing is required for this experience:

    Long pants that fully cover the leg down to the ankle (preferably jeans) – No shorts are allowed
    Plain cotton blouse or shirt, suitable for the weather
    Closed, comfortable shoes like hiking boots – with no more than 2cm heel (no sneakers or sandals)


    As with all experiences in our center, the participant must accept and follow the safety rules that are explained to him/her by the instructor at all times while on our premises and while engaging with our horses. Riding is a discipline with strict rules, and any advice of the group leader is mandatory to be followed to maintain safety. By joining this activity, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and that, although we work hard to provide a safe environment for you, horses are animals and can act unpredictably, even with the most experienced riders. The stable will not be held responsible for any damage to personal items or injuries you might incur.