“Kastrioti” Honey beekeeper

Kastrioti Beekeper Ogdunan, Permet
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“Kastrioti” Honey beekeeper breeds more than 50 beehives in the Ogdunan village, Përmet district. The activity is based in the pastures of Mount Postenan which contains a rich flora. Each […]

“Kastrioti” Honey beekeeper breeds more than 50 beehives in the Ogdunan village, Përmet district. The activity is based in the pastures of Mount Postenan which contains a rich flora. Each year the number of beehives grows and the production is marketed in the domestic market and beyond, as per customers’ requirements. The honey produced is organic and high quality, as for  the breeding of bees, only herbal medicines are used.

¤ multi-flower honey                             ¤ strawberry tree honey

¤ honey with honeycomb                     ¤ pollen

¤ propolis                                                 ¤ wax

¤ bee milk                                                ¤ honey vinegar